Some revealing statistics

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* According to a recent report by the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) up to 50 million girls and women are missing from India’ s population.

* In Tamil Nadu, statistics indicate total shortfall of about 13,000 daughters per year. 67% due to pre-birth deficit (ie. selective abortion of females, known as foeticide) and 33% due to infanticide, and neglect.

* In the area where we work at the Mercy Home there are many physically disabled children. One of the causes of their disabilities: if a mother finds out (illegally) that she is expecting a female, she will often take some home-made concoction to try to abort the baby. Often this fails, but results in a handicapped baby. (Other causes are malnutrition, birth difficulties and polio. ) These children generally do not go to school as there are no facilities for them, so we are planning to open a local school for the physically disabled soon. Education is their only hope of escaping a life of extreme hardship and poverty.
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