I wrote this the day Josy passed away, and then never showed it to anyone--it just remained in my notebook. I'm posting it on the occasion of his birthday.
Angels visited me today,
And gently took me far away,
Lifted me with tender arms,
Away from pain and earthly harms.
Embraced by light and joy and love,
New life begins in realms above.
So weep no more for me dear one,
Rejoice with me--the race I've run,
But weep for those still lost on earth
And live to give them second birth.
Beautiful Verse Susanna, thank you for sharing it with us all; It brought a tear to my eye and a lump to my throat, and yet within that same verse I saw a boldness, a sense of serenity and the hope that he is now at peace...
...and as you rightly put, for us the struggle goes on!!
Stay Safe
Always Anjli
thank you Susanna for the beutiful poem about Josy.This is Josys mom
and I am deeply touched and comforted by it. May God blesss you