Two new babies arrived at the Mercy Home last week--one was a lovely 5 month-old girl who was brought by her mother and grandfather. The mother said the husband had run off and she signed her baby over to us. It's hard to imagine what a mother must go thru that would cause her to give away her older baby like that. Then a newborn arrived who had been abandoned outside a hospital--parents unknown. She was handed over by two social welfare officers. (Click on a photo to see a larger version.)

It is indeed a sad day when we hear of a child abandoned, and sadly these scenarios are all too real in India, as we know there are many reasons around the why's and what for's... but whatever the reason, where one cannot, may another always rise to takes there place...
You are are doing amazing work over in India Susanna, a real inspiration to what we can all do when we finally leave this rat race...
May we all do our best to give the children of the world the respect, appreciation and support which they need to for fill there potential...
Stay Safe &
Good Luck In All That You Do
Always Anjli
Thanks for all you encouraging comments Angali