Today we met with Fathers Anthony and Vincent to discuss the next steps to improve the Mercy Home operation. Father Anthony told us that the open-care incubator we bought them last year is very useful. In fact they just received a 1.4 kg. baby who is being cared for in the incubator. We have now received more money for the Mercy Home and we decided to buy a travel incubator for transporting the sick, fragile babies to the hospital, which is quite far away, and an ambulance. We discussed plans to use the ambulance also as a mobile clinic to provide prenatal care and vitamins in the neighbouring villages, and awareness and assistance in obtaining the government help that is available for pregnant women and baby girls. Other plans are in the works, such as building quarters for the terminally-ill old folk whom the Home also cares for, building a covered area to dry laundry during monsoons, etc.
Cool mom.....nice blog.